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Illumina, Inc.


Illumina, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) is a genomic tool company that develops and markets integrated array-based systems and assays for a broad rangeof applications including genotyping, gene expression and epigenetics. Illumina was founded in 1998.

Illumina offers two microarray platforms, the Sentrix® Array Matrix and the Sentrix® BeadChip tha are characterized by the ability to analyze multiple samples on the same device.

Illumina has developed a spectrum of priprietary assays: GoldenGate®, InfiniumTM, and DASLTM. These assays have been successfully employed for a number of applications, including collection of the majority of the Phase I SNP genotyping data for the International HapMap Project.

Array of ArrayTM platforms

  • Sentrix Array Matrix
  • Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)-patterned Sentrix BeadChip

Manufacturing steps

  • Creation of a master bead pool consisting of 1536-250,000 different bead types carrying oligonycleotide capture probes
  • Random self-assembly of the master pool of beads into etched wellls on the array substrate, where each bead type has an average 30x representation
  • Identification of each bead on the array by means of decoding process

Infinium® whole-genome genotyping

Human1M BeadChip is powered by Illumina's Infinium® Assay (Infinium® II Assay Workflow). It features over one million markers to interrogate human genetic variation using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variation (CNV) probes. The Human1M BeadChip specifically targets genes, tag SNPs, copy number variation, and other genomic regions.

The method is comprised of:

  • Single-tube, whole-genome amplification step
  • Target capture on arrays
  • Array-based primer extention:
    • Infinium I uses allele-specific primer extension (ASPE)
    • Infinium II uses single base extension (SBE)
  • Signal amplification step

The Infinium® Assay complements the fine-mapping capabilities of the GoldenGate® custom genotyping assay.

How It Works

2-color microarray principle





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