Overgo probes
OvergoIntroductionOvergo probe consists of two 24mer oligonucleotides, derived from genomic sequence, which share eight base pairs of complimentary sequence at their 3' ends. After synthesis and annealing, they create a sixteen base overhang. This overhang is "filled in " using Klenow fragment thereby incorporating appropriate radionucleotides. Typically, 32P-dATP and 32P-dCTP are used and the GC-content of the oligonucleotides is kept between 40-60%. The resulting product is a double-stranded 40mer with, on average, eight radiolabeled nucleotides incorporated per single-stranded product. This probe is quite sequence specific with high specific activity (40-70% 32-P dNTP incorporation rate). Overgo probes are used for genome mapping. Overgo design
Overgo synthesis
Screening BAC or PAC librariesProbeSample Queries
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