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Overgo probe consists of two 24mer oligonucleotides, derived from genomic sequence, which share eight base pairs of complimentary sequence at their 3' ends. After synthesis and annealing, they create a sixteen base overhang. This overhang is "filled in " using Klenow fragment thereby incorporating appropriate radionucleotides. Typically, 32P-dATP and 32P-dCTP are used and the GC-content of the oligonucleotides is kept between 40-60%. The resulting product is a double-stranded 40mer with, on average, eight radiolabeled nucleotides incorporated per single-stranded product. This probe is quite sequence specific with high specific activity (40-70% 32-P dNTP incorporation rate). Overgo probes are used for genome mapping.

Overgo design

  1. Select STS/EST or gene sequence(s) of choice.
  2. Select a set of overgo.
  3. Select suitability based on:
    • is the overgo unique to the chromosome?
    • is the overgo in a putative protein region (EST or predicted)?
    • is the overgo unique to the genome?
  4. Discard unsuitable overgos, make sure that a minimum distance (20 kbases) separates adjacent overgos.
  5. If adjacent overgos are too far apart (< kbases) , fill in the gap with newly generated overgo(s) and reiterate the selection and discarding process.

Overgo synthesis

Overgo synthesis

Screening BAC or PAC libraries

overgo experiment


Sample Queries


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